
Chevese Turner
Chevese Turner
CEO, Body Equity Alliance
With over 20 years of experience, Chevese Turner is an internationally recognized activist and advocate, speaker, policy influencer and movement-builder who dedicates her ability to make significant social change on issues concerning eating disorders, weight stigma and discrimination, and intersectional social justice. Turner founded the Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA) in 2008 and successfully merged it with the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) in 2018, after 10 years that significantly changed the eating disorders community in both scope and focus.

Prior to BEDA and Turner’s work advocating for the inclusion of Binge Eating Disorder (BED) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual’s 5th Edition (DSM-5), published in 2013, those struggling with the most common and under diagnosed eating disorder had little hope of being recognized much less accessing treatment and insurance coverage. She continues to grow as a healthcare activist and believes integrating what is currently known and future research about social determinants of health is an important way forward for those at the intersection of oppressions and repeated denial of healthcare based on their body size, color, ethnicity, age, gender, socio-economic status, etc.

Turner is also the co-author of Binge Eating Disorder: The Journey to Recovery & Beyond and contributes regularly to podcasts and the media. Turner attended Temple University in Philadelphia where she received a BA in Political Science. Her professional expertise includes public policy and government relations, non-profit management, strategy, programming and communications, and making change through social healthcare movements.

She is a past board member of the Academy of Eating Disorders and the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), and is currently an Advisor for Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment for Eating Disorders (F.E.A.S.T.).


Dr. Jeffrey DeSarbo
Dr. Jeffrey DeSarbo
Dr. Jeffrey DeSarbo is a physician/psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of eating disorders and is the Founder and Medical Director of ED-180 Eating Disorder Treatment Programs on Long Island, N.Y. Dr. DeSarbo also maintains an active private practice personally treating over 300 patients with eating disorders annually and serves as a national and international consultant for select eating disorder cases worldwide. As a clinician, Dr. DeSarbo is both a psychopharmacologist and psychotherapist who incorporates psychodynamic, CBT, ACT, FBT and existential therapy into treatment plans.

His special interest is with the biological and neuroscience aspects of eating disorders and he is currently authoring a book based on over 2500 scientific articles titled Translation: Demystifying the Neuroscience Behind Eating Disorders. He currently has a FREE 15 part video series on the Neuroscience of Eating Disorders for clinicians, patients and loved ones on his Dr. Jeffrey DeSarbo YouTube channel.

As a lecturer, Dr. DeSarbo presents locally and nationally on the topic of the brain, neurobiology and the science of eating disorders to both the public and professionals. He is a graduate of the New York College of Osteopathic Medicine and completed his psychiatric training through New York University’s residency program in Manhasset, NY.


Michelle Konstantinovsky
Michelle Konstantinovsky
Freelance Journalist, Vogue, Vanity Fair, Glamour, Scientific American, WIRED, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Teen Vogue, and more
Michelle Konstantinovsky is a San Francisco-based freelance journalist, marketing specialist, ghostwriter, and UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism alum. During her time at the J-School, she worked as an assistant to famed food and culture writer Michael Pollan, and has since written extensively on health, body image, travel, entertainment, lifestyle, design, and tech for outlets including Vogue, Vanity Fair, Glamour, Scientific American, WIRED, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Teen Vogue, and more. She has also served as the senior content writer at One Medical, the health and wellness editor at Fitbit, and the contributing editor and social media director at California Home + Design. She is an avid admirer of manatees and (unfortunately) a viewer of many Bravo television programs.


Melody Godfred
Melody Godfred
Self Love Philosopher and Author, The ABCs of Self Love
Melody Godfred is an entrepreneur, author, and poet who leverages the power of self to inspire transformative growth in people around the world. She started her career as a litigation attorney, and soon after founded Write In Color, a full-service resume and career development company that specializes in developing compelling personal narratives and brands. After transforming the careers of hundreds of women, Melody created the Self Love Pinky Ring and launched Fred and Far to empower women to practice self love and self care. The company quickly went viral, achieving hundreds of organic press placements around the world. Today, women in 40+ countries have joined her self love movement.

It was through her work as the founder of self love movement Fred and Far that Melody reconnected with her lifelong passion for writing poetry. On Instagram, she began writing poems daily to inspire moments of self awareness, love and care among her community. These poems became the foundation for Self Love Poetry: For Thinkers & Feelers, and her latest, The ABCs of Self Love, a guided journal and self love workbook.

Melody is based in Los Angeles, CA, where she lives with her husband Aaron and three kids, Stella, Violet and Theodore.


Abhilash Patel, Co-Founder, President
Abhilash Patel, Co-Founder, President
Co-Founder, President, Within Health
Abhilash Patel is a proven entrepreneur, digital marketer and active venture investor. He was the former founder and CEO at Ranklab, a digital marketing agency that helped scale some of the largest behavioral health operators in the country. He also co-founded, Recovery Brands, a digital publisher with assets including Rehabs.com, Recovery.org and others. In 2015, Abhilash oversaw the acquisition of both companies to a publicly traded healthcare company.

Abhilash holds a BA from Columbia University and an MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management.


Fiona Lowenstein
Fiona Lowenstein
Journalist, The New York Times, The Guardian, Vox, Business Insider, and more
Fiona Lowenstein is an award-winning independent journalist, producer, and speaker, covering health justice, wellness culture, LGBTQ+ issues and more. Their work has appeared in The New York Times, Teen Vogue, Vox, The Guardian, and Business Insider, among other publications. Fiona is the founder of Body Politic – home of the original Long COVID support group. They are also the editor of the forthcoming anthology, THE LONG COVID SURVIVAL GUIDE.


Wendy Oliver Pyatt, MD, FAED, CEDS
Wendy Oliver Pyatt, MD, FAED, CEDS
Co-Founder, CEO, Chief Medical Officer, Within Heallth
Dr. Wendy Oliver-Pyatt is a world-leading expert on treating eating disorders. With more than 25 years of clinical experience, she has developed five distinctive treatment programs, all grounded on a strong bio-psycho-social foundation, and incorporating intensive psychotherapy, with behavioral foundations, and high medical standards. Wendy has developed a unique treatment approach that delves into the underlying issues that place a person at risk for mental health conditions and eating disorders and lead to healing, health and inner peace

Wendy received her specialty training at New York University-Bellevue Hospital in New York City, she has also held faculty positions at New York University, Albert Einstein School of Medicine and University of Nevada School of Medicine. Wendy is Board Certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and in both Adult and Addiction Psychiatry. She is the author of two books, most recently Questions and Answers on Binge Eating Disorder, A Guide for Clinicians. She is a Fellow of the Academy for Eating Disorders and the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals. She has received Senatorial Recognition for her commitment to the mental health treatment community.


Kath Stevens
Kath Stevens
Social Media Manager, Within Health


Jared Lindzon
Jared Lindzon
Freelance Journalist, The New York Times, Fast Company, Guardian
I am a freelance journalist and public speaker based in Toronto. Beyond my regular columns in Fast Company and The Globe & Mail I have also been published in The New York Times, The Guardian, POLITICO, the BBC, Rolling Stone, OZY, Fortune Magazine, TIME Magazine and many more.

I am regularly asked to share the insights I've learned through years of reporting on the future of work in keynote presentations at events around the world, and have shared the stage with experts from a range of disciplines as a moderator and interviewer.

You can find samples of my recently published work and videos of my latest speaking gigs on my personal website, JaredLindzon.com, and read about the stories behind the stories and the adventures that have resulted in my personal blog, NoWordLimit.Blog.


Laurie Yurchuck
Laurie Yurchuck
Executive Coordinator, National Alliance for Eating Disorders


Serena Nangia
Serena Nangia
Marketing and Communications Manager at Project Heal
Serena Nangia (she/her) is a Body Activist, long-time advocate for eating disorder recovery, and Marketing & Communications Manager for an eating disorder nonprofit called Project HEAL. Serena has spent close to a decade building expertise on the way body image, media, and eating disorders affect people’s daily lives, as well as how Fatphobia and weight stigma create issues of access and discrimination systemically and interpersonally. Serena is a self-identifying Fat person and knows first-hand the difficulties that under-represented folks face in getting access to treatment and equitable healthcare. In order to combat the fatphobic and archaic systems preventing folks from getting the care they need, she became deeply involved in the eating disorder community and actively works to elevate diverse voices of People of Color and Fat people. Serena’s inspiration comes from her sister, Ellen, who struggled with an eating disorder for over a decade and is now in long-term recovery.


Sarah Butterfield Bromma
Sarah Butterfield Bromma
Head of Policy @Pinterest
Sarah Butterfield Bromma is Pinterest’s Head of Policy. Her team cultivates a safe and inclusive environment for Pinners by developing policies that outline what is and isn’t allowed on Pinterest across all types of content and advertising.


Virgie Tovar
Virgie Tovar
Journalist at Forbes, author, activist and leading expert on weight-based discrimination
Virgie Tovar is an author, activist and one of the nation's leading experts and lecturers on weight-based discrimination and body image. She holds a Master's degree in Sexuality Studies with a focus on the intersections of body size, race and gender. She is a contributor for Forbes where she covers the plus-size market and how to end weight discrimination at work. She started the hashtag campaign #LoseHateNotWeight and in 2018 gave a TedX talk on the origins of the campaign. Tovar edited the anthology Hot & Heavy: Fierce Fat Girls on Life, Love and Fashion (Seal Press, November 2012) and she's the author of You Have the Right to Remain Fat (Feminist Press August 2018), which was placed on the American Library Association's Amelia Bloomer List, The Self-Love Revolution: Radical Body Positivity for Girls of Color (New Harbinger Publications 2020) and her new interactive book, The Body Positive Journal (Chronicle Books 2022). Her podcast, Rebel Eaters Club, is now in Season 3 and is Transmitter Media's first original production. In 2018 she was named one of the 50 most influential feminists by Bitch Magazine. She has received three San Francisco Arts Commission Individual Artist Commissions as well as Yale's Poynter Fellowship in Journalism. Virgie has been featured by the New York Times, Tech Insider, BBC, MTV, Al Jazeera, NPR, and Yahoo Health. She lives in San Francisco. Subscribe to her newsletter, Body Positive University, to get weekly emails.


Alexa Grayson (she/her) , M.Ed.
Alexa Grayson (she/her) , M.Ed.
Insurance Navigation Program Manager at Project HEAL
Alexa is passionate about advocating for folks who struggle with eating disorders and removing barriers to reach accessible care. Alexa wholeheartedly believes everyone deserves equal treatment and care and that healing is possible.

Alexa joined the Project HEAL team in 2020 as a national volunteer and later became Lead Insurance Specialist for the Insurance Navigation Program. Alexa brought her experience in insurance and mental health to help Project HEAL’s directors develop and implement the Insurance Navigation Program.

Alexa graduated from Pennsylvania State University in 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Minor in Business Administration. In 2016, she received her Master of Education in Counseling Psychology from Temple University.

Alexa brings lived as well as professional experience from a variety of settings, including private practice and higher level of care eating disorder and substance use programs. Most of her clinical experience comes from working with folks of all genders who struggle with eating disorders. She has also worked with those experiencing perinatal mood and anxiety, grief, chronic pain, substance use and trauma. Alexa has held positions such as individual and group therapist, admissions clinician, and those involving extensive work in insurance and utilization review. She is thrilled to be a part of the team and to continue her journey advocating for those deserving equitable access to eating disorder care!


Jessica Kantor
Jessica Kantor
Director of Communication, Bell + Ivy, Freelance Journalist, Fast Company, Postscript
Jessica Kantor is a freelance journalist and communications expert specializing in healthcare, human rights, and international relations. She currently serves as the Director of Communications at Bell + Ivy. Jessica’s background includes Director of Digital Strategy & Media Relations at Solutions Recovery, Regional Media Relations Manager at American Addiction Centers, and over 10 years of published work for publications such as Fast Company Magazine, The Postscript, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Healthcare Quarterly Magazine, and has worked with companies such as Wendoh Media and Greenspun Media. She has joined global conversations and events as both a moderator and a panelist, discussing topics such as, “The Freedom of Expression, Association, and Assembly for Peace in Afghanistan" and “Managing Misinformation in Asia.”


Johanna Kandel
Johanna Kandel
Founder and CEO, National Alliance for Eating Disorders
After recovering from a ten-year-long battle with various eating disorders, Johanna founded National Alliance for Eating Disorders, based in West Palm Beach, Florida. Since its inception in 2000, The Alliance has brought information and awareness about eating disorders to more than 290,000 individuals nationally and internationally. In addition, Johanna runs free weekly support groups, mentors individuals with eating disorders and their families through their treatment and recovery, and helps thousands of people gain information and find the help they need.


Rebecca Eyre
Rebecca Eyre
CEO, Project Heal
Rebecca Eyre (she/her) is the CEO of Project HEAL, the only national eating disorder nonprofit
focused on equitable access to care. Project HEAL offers direct services to eating disorder
sufferers who are unable to access treatment - including free assessment, free treatment, free
insurance navigation support, and cash assistance - in addition to their research, advocacy, and
community education efforts. Rebecca is a licensed therapist who has been treating individuals
with eating disorders since 2011, during which time she has gained expertise on the many
systemic, healthcare, and financial barriers that millions of people in the U.S. face when seeking
eating disorder care. She is a vocal advocate at the intersection of eating disorders and social
justice, and believes that the key to transforming the eating disorder landscape into an
accessible, affirming, and healing space for everyone is expansion. Rebecca has an MA in
Counseling Psychology and lives in Brooklyn, NY.


Shilpa Vadodaria
Shilpa Vadodaria
Worldwide Lead, Digital Innovation, AWS
Shilpa Vadodaria leads innovation for health justice and digital equity, on behalf of Amazon Web Services. She also serves as Global President of two employee groups – Body Liberators at Amazon, and Women in Healthcare at Amazon. Her work is predicated upon questioning the status quo in order to build a just future.

Shilpa spent the last two decades driving national reform in the US. She implemented the Affordable Care Act and $40B Medicaid redesign with federal and state agencies. She came to this work with global experience tackling the spread of HIV/STIs in South Asia and building sanitation systems in Ghana with Engineers without Borders. Shilpa holds an MBA from UC Berkeley Haas School of Business and a BS in Biomedical Engineering from Columbia University.


Ashlee Knight (she/her), MA, LMHC
Ashlee Knight (she/her), MA, LMHC
Senior Program Director at Project HEAL
Ashlee believes that treatment and healing should be available to everyone, and is passionate about removing barriers so that people have better access to the care they deserve. As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and approved clinical supervisor in the state of Washington, Ashlee brings to the table 15+ years in the nonprofit and mental health sector.

After graduating from Indiana University, she immediately began her career by advocating for marginalized communities to have equal access to jobs, compensation, and healthcare. From there she pursued her Masters of Arts in Counseling Psychology from The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology. Since that time Ashlee has maintained a private psychotherapy practice as well as keeping a foot in the nonprofit world.

Prior to joining the Project HEAL team, Ashlee spent years working with several nonprofits centering care, resources, and support for unhoused communities operating from a harm-reduction frame. She has held operational positions as well, helping organizations to more effectively offer resources and care to the communities they serve.

With her keen clinical, operational, and empathic skillset, Ashlee is so thrilled to help those seeking access to eating disorder recovery have as positive and smooth of an entry as possible.


Erin Kowalski
Erin Kowalski
Director Of Business Development, Within Health


Eunice Feng (she/they)
Treatment Access Program Manager at Project HEAL
Eunice Feng believes that equitable access to healthcare is vital to keeping QTBIPOC alive. Their values are deeply rooted in disability and transformative justice, and they hope to see the day when health insurance systems will no longer be profit driven. They have supported folks who experience alternative realities and mental health diagnoses in varying capacities over the past ten years, and enjoy spending their free time doing mutual aid projects and eating good food with friends.


Ruth Elliott, LICSW,
Ruth Elliott, LICSW,
Director of Clinical Services, MEDA
Ruth earned her master’s degree in Social Work at the University of New Hampshire in 2004. Her drive for becoming a therapist evolved from her own decades long struggle with an eating disorder. Recovery is something that Ruth holds hope for in each person that she works with. She has worked in many different areas throughout her career but is devoted to helping people fully recover from their eating disorders. Ruth has worked in the eating disorder’s field for the last 15 years as a clinician, and most recently, as the clinical director of an eating disorder PHP and IOP. She is also a yoga teacher who is enthusiastic about helping people connect with their bodies in a way that eating disorders do not allow. Ruth is passionate about educating the community, professionals, parents, and caregivers about eating disorders, advocating so that people suffering from eating disorders can receive fair, compassionate, and equitable care. She practices eclectically and finds immense joy in helping people live in their bodies compassionately. Ruth is grateful to have the opportunity to work for MEDA and continue work that brings her joy.


Alice Warren-Gregory
Alice Warren-Gregory
General Counsel, Within Health


Safiya McHale (they/she) , LMSW
Safiya McHale (they/she) , LMSW
Clinical Assessment Program Manager at Project HEAL
Safiya is passionate about creating more equitable access to eating disorder care. She believes that everyone deserves healing that affirms and celebrates the whole self, and that no one should have to compromise aspects of who they are to receive care. Safiya recognizes that people who hold multiple marginalized identities are often most impacted by barriers to healthcare access, and is personally invested in making mental healthcare safer and more accessible.

Safiya is a Licensed Master Social Worker in the state of Maryland. She has experience as a psychotherapist in community mental health and in private practice settings. She also provides groups, educational content, and consulting services. Her passion is using a liberatory framework to support BI&PoC in re-defining their relationship to food and to their body.

Safiya holds a Master of Social Work from the University of Maryland, Baltimore, and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Boston University.


Schuyler Bailar
Schuyler Bailar
Educator, Author, Advocate, and Founder @LaneChanger
Schuyler Bailar (he/him) is the first transgender athlete to compete in any sport on an NCAA Division 1 men’s team. By 15, he was one of the nation’s top-20 15-year-old breast-strokers. By 17, he set a national age-group record. In college, he swam for Harvard University, on Harvard’s winningest team in 50 years. Schuyler’s difficult choice – to transition while potentially giving up the prospect of being an NCAA Champion – was historic. His story has appeared everywhere from 60 Minutes to The Washington Post. Schuyler’s tireless advocacy has earned him numerous honors including LGBTQ Nation’s Instagram Advocate for 2020. In 2021, Schuyler also released his first middle-grade novel, Obie Is Man Enough.


Joe Kelly, BA, NCLC
Joe Kelly, BA, NCLC
Family Coach, Within Health
Joe Kelly is a Family Coach for Within Health. A graduate of University of Wisconsin-Superior, he is a nationally certified life coach. He’s passionate about helping males recognize the power and potential of their roles in family and culture. He’s written 6 fathering books and was president of the Minnesota Fathers and Family Network. He also co-authored 4 eating disorder books. Since 2010, he’s helped loved ones of people with eating disorders learn practices to resist the ways eating disorders hijack families. He also teaches treatment professionals to engage clients’ male loved ones as treatment and recovery allies. He’s been a featured guest on NBC’s Today Show, the CBS Early Show, NPR’s Talk of the Nation, CNN and Fox News Channel.


Rebecca Brumm, LPC, CEDS-C
Rebecca Brumm, LPC, CEDS-C
Chief Clinical Officer, Within Health
Rebecca Brumm is the Chief Clinical Officer of Within Health. As a graduate of Central Michigan University, she is passionate about the mind-body-soul connection. Her leadership style, as well as clinical approach, reflect these values. Though she has helped clients through a variety of challenges in her practice as a therapist since 2005, she specializes in helping people work to improve their body image, heal their relationships with themselves and overcome eating disorders.


Brad Zehring, DO
Brad Zehring, DO
Brad Zehring, DO is a Board Certified Psychiatrist and Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology who specializes in the treatment of eating disorders and co-occurring psychiatric disorders. He completed his psychiatry residency from the University of Arizona – Phoenix Campus. His desire to treat eating disorders was born out of a personal connection which fueled his passion to learn all he could to help deliver the best psychiatric care. This passion led to him starting his private practice in Arizona where he delivers expert outpatient psychiatric care in the treatment of eating disorders throughout the United States. Additionally, his desire to treat patients with eating disorders at higher levels of care and to be surrounded by clinicians that share his passion has led him to Within Health.


Emma received her master's of science in clinical mental health counseling from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She holds her associate licensure as a professional counselor and mental health service provider in Tennessee and has worked with individuals seeking treatment for eating disorders at all levels of care. Emma is a national certified counselor, through the National Board of Certified Counselors, and is a member of the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals. Through being passionate about expressive arts therapies, Emma often utilizes psychodramatic and art therapy techniques in her work with clients, to help them creatively express their lived experiences.


Caitlin Scafati, MA, MSW, LCSW/LICSW
Caitlin Scafati, MA, MSW, LCSW/LICSW
Clinical Lead at Within Health
Cait is currently a Clinical Lead at Within Health and has worked with clients with eating disorders for more than 10 years at all levels of care. She currently facilitates Within’s groups for professionals with eating disorders and is co-chair of the AED's Professionals & Recovery special interest group. Cait received both her master's in Art Therapy and MSW from NYU. Cait is passionate about creating an affirming, safe, creative space for therapy through the lens of Health at Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, trauma-informed, and social justice frameworks.


Karin Lewis, MA, LMFT, CEDS
Karin Lewis, MA, LMFT, CEDS
Host of Recovery Bites Podcast
Karin Lewis, MA, LMFT, CEDS is a clinical expert in eating disorder treatment and recovery. She is the founder of the Karin Lewis Eating Disorder Center located in Boston, MA and the host of the Recovery Bites podcast. She has been the Clinical Director for numerous residential, partial hospitalization, and outpatient programs including Monte Nido and Affiliates, Eating Disorder of Andover, and the Karin Lewis Eating Disorder Center.

Karin is a member of the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (IAEDP), National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), Multi-Service Eating Disorder Association (MEDA) Karin is also a member of the Academy of Eating Disorders (AED), where sits as a Co-Chair for the Professionals and Recovery SIG. Karin obtained her master's degree in Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies. Karin is licensed to practice in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New York.

Karin’s therapy services include implementing a Humanistic and Relational model while incorporating CBT, DBT, and values work into her private practice. Karin has spent her career helping individuals and their families suffering from eating disorders, body image, media and cultural influences, family issues, relationship issues, depression, and anxiety.


Dr. Lesley Williams, M.D.
Dr. Lesley Williams, M.D.
Family Medicine Physician, Mayo Clinic
Dr. Lesley Williams is a Family Medicine physician and Eating Disorder expert. She received her Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Kentucky College of Medicine and completed her Family Medicine residency training at Mayo Clinic Arizona. Dr. Williams has been providing medical care for patients with eating disorders and other mental health issues for over 17 years. She currently serves as a Senior Associate Consultant in the Department of Family Medicine at Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ. In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Williams is a passionate advocate for health equity and reducing stigma and bias in healthcare. She serves on the Academy of Eating Disorders Board’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer. Dr. Williams also recently authored an award-winning book that celebrates body diversity in children, Free To Be Me: self love for all sizes. Her areas of special interest include: Appearance Based Bias education and Health Equity advocacy.

Dr. Williams volunteers her time to serve on the ElevateMed Advisory Committee. This philanthropic opportunity allows her to expand her work in achieving healthcare equity through supporting the non-profit organization’s vision of prioritizing physician workforce diversity. Dr. Williams is excited to join the Within Health Advisory team and support the organization’s goal of making exemplary eating disorder treatment accessible to all.


Ross Szabo
Ross Szabo
Founding Wellness Director, Geffen Academy at UCLA
Ross Szabo is an award-winning mental health speaker, advocate, and author. He founded and serves as both the Wellness Director at Geffen Academy at UCLA and CEO of Human Power Project. A social innovator who has pioneered the youth mental health movement, he created the first national youth mental health speaker’s bureau, a program that has inspired millions to address their mental health. Szabo is the author of “A Kids Book about Anxiety” and co-author of “Behind Happy Faces: Taking Charge of Your Mental Health.” Szabo’s curriculum on the same name is used in schools nationwide. Szabo has spoken to more than 2 million people about the importance of mental health and has provided a positive example to empower them to seek help. He is an expert at creating sustainable mental health curricula and programs that reach and impact large audiences. His achievements in the field have earned him the 2010 Didi Hirsch Erasing the Stigma Leadership Award and 2012 Changing Minds Award, and his advocacy work was entered into the Congressional Record by Congressman Patrick Kennedy. He has been featured in CNN, Washington Post, PBS, and NPR, among others.


Christine Stockert, RN
Christine Stockert, RN
Chief Health Officer at Within Health
Chrissy Stockert is the Chief Health Officer at Within, and is coming to you from sunny and warm Miami Florida! Chrissy’s journey in healthcare started after a career as a teacher, and she still loves to bring education into the work she does every day. After becoming a nurse in 2010, and working in various specialities, she found her passion, and has dedicated the past 12 years to specializing in the field of eating disorders. She feels honored every day to work in this field and with this population. Guiding individuals towards recovery is both her mission and privilege.

Beyond her professional endeavors, she is a proud mother of two wonderful children. She loves to go to their school plays and cheer at their soccer games! When she’s not chasing around her little ones, you can probably find her baking, reading, walking, or - yes, she’s a nerd at heart - doing a crossword puzzle!


William Hornby
William Hornby
Advocate, Creator, Influencer, and Singer
William Hornby is at the forefront of raising awareness for men with eating disorders with his advocacy on TikTok and Instagram Reels. He speaks publicly about advocacy, mental health, and eating disorder recovery. He is a recording artist as well and his first three singles Clay, What if I Fall?, and Trace are out on all streaming platforms now. He holds a BBA in Business Management and a BFA in Musical Theater from Temple University. He trained in classical voice at the prestigious Baltimore School for the Arts. He loves hiking, listening to NPR, carving pumpkins, and snuggling up with a good book.


Jacquie Rangel, M.S.Ed, Registered Mental Health Counseling Intern
Jacquie Rangel, M.S.Ed, Registered Mental Health Counseling Intern
Jacquie is a registered mental health counseling intern. She has many years of experience in the fields of both eating disorder treatment and wellness. Jacquie obtained her master’s degree at the University of Miami, where she worked on a track specializing in the psychology of sports. She is passionate about the connection between mental health and movement, and enjoys helping her clients heal their relationship to movement as well as food.

In addition to her credentials as a therapist, Jacquie holds certifications in yoga, movement, and breath work modalities. In her free-time you may find her writing, swimming, or dancing!


Katie Piel, MA, LMFT
Katie Piel, MA, LMFT
Clinical Lead, Within Health
Through work deeply rooted in the principles of HAES and Intuitive Eating, and within an integrated, attachment-focused framework, Katie helps clients realign with their most authentic selves. Recovery is a process of discovery, change, and  development of a greater sense of safety and  trust. Katie holds a Master’s in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University, Los Angeles, and Bachelor of Arts from New York University.


Shaun Riebl,  PhD, RDN, Chief Nutrition Officer at Within Health
Shaun Riebl, PhD, RDN, Chief Nutrition Officer at Within Health
Chief Nutrition Officer at Within Health
Dr. Riebl provides trauma-informed nutrition therapy to individuals struggling with disordered eating and eating disorders. His passion for this population began with his master's thesis studying eating disorders in male cyclists, and he continued to explore eating behaviors during his doctoral work. Dr. Riebl has held assistant professorships at UNC Chapel Hill and The University of Mississippi as well as research positions with Duke University. With over 15 years of clinical experience, he promotes freedom, flexibility, and nourishment with food while providing compassionate, evidence-based treatment for all people.


Malika Brown-Crosby, M.S.Ed, LMHC, LPC
Malika Brown-Crosby, M.S.Ed, LMHC, LPC
Malika Brown-Crosby is a graduate of Hunter College, with a master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling and over 10 years experience working with various populations in the field. Malika currently works as a Primary Therapist at Within Health providing care for clients with eating disorders. Malika is passionate about helping clients uncover what is at the center of their eating disorders and supporting them to heal their relationship with food and their bodies. Malika also specializes in working with clients with race-based traumatic stress, substance abuse and perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. When Malika is not working with clients, she enjoys spending time with family, traveling, going on walks, writing and singing songs.


Aalia Lanius
Aalia Lanius
President, Unsugarcoated Media, Executive Producer
Aalia Lanius is an Executive Producer, Award-Nominated Host of the social good podcast, “UNSUGARCOATED with Aalia“, and multiple Award-winning Novelist. As a thought leader and mentor, she is passionate about creating content that strikes at the heart of social issues we deal with on a daily basis as well as mentoring creatives that at their core want to be conscious about the message behind or within our media products.

A survivor of many things, she is a representative of diversity, with a true multicultural background and she’s impacting lives on a global scale between her writing and speaking, with more to come.

Aalia is married to Film Entertainment Attorney and Executive Producer, Joseph Lanius, who heads Lanius Law & Associates in Beverly Hills. When he is not making things happen in the film world, he lends his support as Legal Affairs and as a Board Advisor to UNSUGARCOATED Media. Together they reside in Los Angeles and he supports her love of creativity and helping others.


Caitlin Kelly, LPC, LCPAT, ATR-BC, CEDS
Caitlin Kelly, LPC, LCPAT, ATR-BC, CEDS
Primary Therapist at Within Health
Caitlin Kelly is a counselor, art therapist and yoga teacher. She utilizes an integrative and trauma-informed approach to therapy. Often coming from the bottom-up, Caitlin helps her clients feel safe in their bodies through grounding and containment exercises, art making, and talk therapy. Caitlin comes to Within from a background of professional experience at the inpatient, partial, IOP and outpatient levels of care. She was also an art therapist at the Center for Eating Disorders and worked as the former program director for Prosperity Eating Disorders and Wellness Center. Caitlin believes in both the Health at Every Size (HAES) and intuitive eating models and is a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist (CEDS).


Allison Walsh
Allison Walsh
Vice President of Clinical Outreach of Charlie Health, Podcast host and Author "She Believed She Could"
Allison Walsh, JD, is a seasoned executive, philanthropist, speaker, professional coach, and consultant, and Miss Florida 2006. A two-time CEO for national coaching firms and certified positive psychology coach, Allison has over 15 years of organizational leadership, mentorship, and coaching experience, and has shared her story with over 100,000 live audience members. She serves as Vice President of Business Development and Branding for Advanced Recovery Systems, a national provider and industry leader in behavioral healthcare. In addition to managing their national business development team since its inception in 2013, she's been instrumental in the development of their mental wellness app, Nobu. As host of the She Believed She Could and Dear Mind, You Matter podcasts, and the creator of impactful coaching programs, Allison focuses on helping women develop confidence and leverage their personal brands personally and professionally to scale their businesses, careers, and influence while making an impact.

Named in the Orlando Business Journal's 2021 Top 40 Under 40 and Women Who Mean Business, Allison is a proud member of Forbes Business Development Council, Entrepreneur's Leadership Network, and Orlando Business Journal's Leadership Trust.

Allison raised more than $2 million for eating disorder education and treatment through her 501(c)(3) nonprofit Helping Other People Eat (H.O.P.E.), and her philanthropic efforts have been featured in international news. She served as a Board Member for the National Eating Disorders Association and currently serves on the boards of the Forevers Foundation, Project Opioid, and the National Alliance for Eating Disorders. For more information, please visit www.allisonwalshconsulting.com or follow her on Instagram @allisonwalsh.


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